How to Build Trust With Millennial Parents

There are roughly 72.1 million Millennials in the US. And in the next 10 to 15 years, 80% of them will be parents.
Pair that sheer volume of people to the spending power they wield—an estimated $1.4 trillion in disposable income in 2020—and this audience quickly stands out as a high priority.

While the massive numbers above are compelling, they don’t mean you can take a one-size-fits-all approach to this audience. The Millennial generation is one of the most diverse cohorts in history. That fact trickles all the way down to their parenting techniques, purchasing decisions, how they research products and much more. 

What makes Milliennial parents who they are?
From apps to search engines, digital tools shape their parenting style. Millennials are also avid social media users. This can be great when it comes to groups or other support systems that share helpful information.

However, social media also invites comparison. In the same way influencers have become a huge in the beauty, fashion and DIY worlds, they also shape how Millennials view parenting. Accounts dedicated to “super parents” who have seemingly perfect lives and the smartest, healthiest, most-advanced children can create unrealistic standards. In the end, these interactive platforms are balancing acts.

But ultimately, it comes down to one thing: the wellbeing of their children. However, “wellbeing” has a different definition to this generation of parents. They encourage kids to actively participate in their upbringing. According to a Time story, Millennial parents don’t want to recreate the overscheduled days of their youth. Instead, they want to take a responsive and collaborative approach. 

How can brands reach this cohort?
While Millennial parents are a more segmented and diverse group than previous generations, there are also many more ways to reach them. From highly targeted digital media options to niche publications or tried-and-true mass media techniques like TV and radio.

If you’re looking to build awareness, you can get your brand in front of Millennial parents on every platform possible. Search ads on platforms like Google. Pre-roll or mid-roll ads on YouTube. Digital banners. Billboards. It all depends on your goals, what markets you hope to grow in and how you can make the best use of your budget. 

While any of the above can work, there are additional methods that allow you to get in front of parents at moments of high intent. In other words, they’re learning about your brand at hyper-relevant moments. It could be during a time when they’re very likely to make a purchase, or you could be positioned as a solution at the exact moment they realize they have a problem. 

Many people in this audience see brands as subject matter experts. A recent Google report shows that 3 in 4 Millennial parents are open to getting parenting tips from brands on YouTube. For instance, what does a brand like Huggies say about potty training? It’s obviously something they know a lot about. So why not watch a quick video with helpful tricks?

Building brand affinity via education and cause marketing 
Cause marketing allows your brand to champion a topic or social issue and use it as a method of communication. Why is this important? Millennial parents and the generation as a whole are more likely to support causes with their time and money than previous groups. They are also more likely to research the products they buy and ensure those brands align with their personal values. According to Ford’s 2020 Trends Report, 60% of respondents claimed that they were attracted to companies based on transparency, treatment of employees, ethical values, or perceived authenticity. 

Cause marketing campaigns create opportunities for your company to build alignment with consumers. Instead of prioritizing a “buy this right now!” message, you connect with people on an emotional level. It shows that you’re invested in your community and trying to make the world a better place. And oh by the way, here’s where you can purchase our products. This more nuanced approach can help build lasting brand loyalty instead of winning one quick sale.

The same can be said of education marketing. In this case, your brand is providing real value in the classroom. Anything from STEM materials to resources that support activities around art, health, and hygiene. This immediately positions your brand as a resource that is willing to invest in future generations—and that goes a long way with parents. 

Just as importantly, education marketing allows your message to be delivered by an unbiased source. Your brand is being championed by a teacher, or other community leader, instead of being amplified by a traditional media channel. This bakes credibility and trust into your message. There is now a tacit endorsement of your campaign by a trusted source.

ITK can help you get started 
We have decades of experience connecting with parents in meaningful, organic environments via community influencers. We’ve helped both challenger brands and established companies use specialized tactics—like education and cause marketing and grassroots sampling—to build momentum among Millennial parents via word-of-mouth awareness. Get in touch to see how we can do the same for you.



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